Us Constitution Free Download

 Posted admin
The United States Constitution for Android. This includes the new Android Material theme, and can be customized to either Light or Dark.
Have all of your guaranteed rights, in the palm of your hand!
- Full US Constitution
- Several other similar documents: The articles of confederation, the declaration of independence, the english bill of rights, and the magna carta
- Ability to quickly jump to wikipedia, google search, or the official page for each item
- Support for light and dark themes
- Text selection
- Gestures for navigation
- Support for large screens and unusual screen ratios
Additions or corrections readily welcomed. Thanks for the support!
All information is sourced from:
This application is free -- as in America. No ads, no permission requests. I will never include ads as I see this as something that is information important to every user and should be freely available to all. Please do not reach out asking if I'd like to include your 'super-amazing' ad library, I'm not interested, and neither is my audience.
  • But the broad language of the Constitution is illuminated by the principles set forth in the Declaration. Download the Cato Institute Constitution Radio Ads. Enumerated Powers: Granting Enough Power, but Leaving Us Otherwise Free (mp3).
  • CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, in- cluding those bound to.

Lastly, the constitution was a good base for all peoples individual rights. The constitution is the basis for how our government is ran to this day. I don’t think it would still be used if it wasn’t useful and important to society. The 13th amendment to the US constitution, passed in 1865, made slavery illegal in any state.

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ConstitutionUs Constitution Free Download
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Us Constitution Free Worksheets
May 7, 2017
4.0 and up

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